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Counselling for people with experience of homelessness
Our Impact

Our Impact

Statistics drawn from client’s self-reporting in 2021 found that:

  • 75% of our clients reported a shift in their level of psychological distress from severe to moderate or mild*

Improvements in well-being were reported by:

  • 100% of clients in relation to self-understanding
  • 83% of clients in managing their emotions (impulse control)
  • 75% of clients in their use of substances
  • 80% of clients in relation to self-harming
  • 84% of clients in their experiencing of suicidal ideation

Over 80% of the counselling sessions that we offered to clients were attended.

Please click here for further details of our 2021 Service Evaluation.

* Clients’ level of psychological distress as measured through clients’ self-reporting using the CORE (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation) outcome measure before beginning and after having had therapy.

Fourth Floor, 34 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1DA

Tel: 0141 286-4475

©2025 by The Folan Trust (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC050526) 

Our Impact